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European Social Label - Care to Change the World

What we do

The European Social Label wants to be the catalyst that Sweden and Europe need to solve the biggest problems of our time; exclusion from society. 

This should be done by engaging the business community at the local level both in Sweden as well as within the EU and making CSR something more than just paper or donor money for charity. 

The European Social Label succeeds in what EU authorities have so far failed to answer, the small business owners' question What's in it for us. In our opinion, this is a reasonable question to ask. Why should a small company set aside time and money for something that is often far outside its own business. 

The answer is perhaps as simple as it is obvious: In order to work together with the European Social Label, it will be profitable to work towards reduced exclusion. 

Who are we

European Social Label is a so-called NGO, non-governmental organization, member organization without a political agenda based in Sweden and funded by its members. The European Social Label is developed by small businesses and entrepreneurs with a history in the private, municipal as well as the state sector and has together found and succeeded in expressing the shortcomings of the current system.  

The European Social Label was created to address a more and more current problem; Exclusion in society. The business is the engine of something bigger than itself and is part of the conglomerate EUSL-Gruppen. 

The EUSL Group was developed as an effect of the emerging needs that the business community needs to make it attractive and possible to work with people in isolation and includes e-commerce platforms, financing solutions and training.

Where are we going

Our goal is a Sweden and in the future an EU without exclusion and with a successful integration. The European Social Label has defined exclusion for a person who is over 15 years of age and has been unemployed for at least 30 days. This gives us the opportunity to develop the tools needed to take a holistic approach to how we, together with the business community, can solve the issue of exclusion. European Social Label encourages democracy, diversity and horizontal values and these are our tools to create transparency so that we generate more members who can create a better society faster but also for the outside world to see and perceive our work as reliable and credible, something that will ultimately also generate more customers for our members. 

Our journey has only just begun, but we already know that it is an endless journey. Today we have modern tools and a range of services that make it attractive for small businesses to become members, but it may just as well be the case that in a year or a pandemic later, what we know today is outdated. European Social Label is a cutting-edge activity that always adapts and is at the forefront when it comes to change processes. It is together with contemporary tools and classic common sense that we will succeed where authorities and municipalities have so far been bitten.

From here, the European Social Label wants to expand into more parts of the EU and take existing members on the international journey. We want to create both international as well as local platforms to reach out and reach the EU's great multiculturalism to together create locally adapted initiatives to create a better society. 

common questions

Contact Us

Email: [email protected] | [email protected]
Phone: 0775 550 500
Messenger: The icon at the bottom left

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